Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: The Crossroads IV; Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Prague, September 19–22, 2022
Movement and mobility represent intertwined concepts that have persisted throughout human history. The act of moving from one place to another is, however, intricately tied to the challenges that hinder it. These obstacles can either be natural in origin or the product of human design aimed at constraining the movement of individuals or groups. Furthermore, movement and mobility can also manifest themselves within society, encompassing the fluid shifts of people within the social hierarchy and the transitions between various social groups. The transfer of words, technologies, and religious ideologies often accompanies these human movements. The region of ancient Western Asia and northeast Africa serves as a rich repository of evidence for these forms of movement and mobility, extensively documented through written sources and material culture. The essays collected in this volume variously examine the political dimensions of movement and mobility; how ideas, concepts, and languages move across boundaries; and the material evidence for cultural interactions.
Front Matter
Creating CrisisEmpire and Refugees at the End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean
“To the King, My Master”Epistolary Evidence for Ugaritian Agents Abroad
Shepherds, Armies, and Prisoners of War in Late Bronze Age Hittite Syria
Mobility of Boundaries in the Middle Bronze Age Southern Levant
Mobile PatronageAmorite Spatial and Social Mobility under the Third Dynasty of Ur
Movements of Persons and Populations at Middle and Late Bronze Age Alalakh
How to Tell “Moving” Tales of Female Captivity in the Ancient World
Crossing Borders, Reaching LimitsBoundaries in the Late Bronze Age Levant
First Causes, Individual FocusDisplacement and Inequality, Babylon, Seventeenth Century BCE
Crossing Life StagesDressing, Undressing, and Changing Clothes as Navigating through Life
Going to Heaven, Hell, and EgyptMesopotamian Myths and Scribal Training at Amarna
Was Hurrian Spoken in Central Anatolia during the Middle Bronze Age and the Early Age of Hatti?
Ceci n’est pas un kudurruOr How Adad-ēṭir Climbs the Social Ladder
Uta-napišti’s Reconnaissance-Birds as Celestial Signs and the Transmission of Antediluvian Knowledge
Migration, Mobility, Diffusion, Social Evolution, and Culture HistoryHow Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Archaeological Theory Has Impacted Our Vision of the Bronze Age
Pottery as PracticeMultilevel Social Analyses of Egyptian-style Ceramics in the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant
The Expansion of the Egyptian Administrative-Economic System in the Southern LevantA Comparison of the Proto- and Early Dynastic Period (Late EB IB) and the Eighteenth Dynasty (LB I to IIA)
Migration and Mobility in the Archaeological Record of the “C-Group” Culture between Egypt and Kerma
The Establishment of the Western FrontierA Study of the Middle Kingdom Enactment Practices in Dakhla Oasis