From the Fields of Offerings: Studies in Memory of Lanny D. Bell
This Memorial volume honors the life and work of Prof. Lanny David Bell (April 30, 1941–August 26, 2019), a leading scholar in Egyptology and a beloved teacher and colleague to so many. It includes a biography of Dr. Bell along with contributions from eminent scholars on the topics of ancient art, archaeology, religion, and philology.
Front Matter
A Scarab of a Middle Kingdom Official Found at Tel Dor
Sobekneferu and Her Legacy of Female Masculinity
Four Rescued Demotic Graffiti from the Small Temple of Medinet Habu for Lanny Bell
A Later First Intermediate Period Mummy from Upper Egypt
The Discoveries of the Egyptian Expedition at the Valley of the Monkeys—Western ValleyDecember 15, 2017–April 10, 2018 Season
Amenhotep III-Period Deity Heads in Memphis, Tennessee, and Rome
On the Coffin of Seti I
Enigmatic Hieroglyphs in a Book of the Dead Vignette of the Field of Offerings/Rushes
Objets de toilette and Their DecorationAdditional Comments
J. Morton Howell and the “Ohio Mummies”An American Saga
Lanny’s Library

August 16, 2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Lockwood Press Online
Details about the available publication format: print edition
print edition