Wonderful Things: Essays in Honor of Nicholas Reeves
Just in time for the centennial of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, this volume of studies dedicated to the leading expert on the “boy king” brings together scholars from all over the world to celebrate the career of C. Nicholas Reeves. It includes a biography and bibliography of Reeves along with cutting-edge discussions of a wide variety of topics concentrating on New Kingdom Egypt and Tutankhamun.
Front Matter
Douglas DerryTutankhamun’s Worst Nightmare
Reconstructing Merenptah’s Missing CoffinSome Thoughts on a Royal Coffin and Coffin Craft Industry in the Valley of the Kings
What Counts in Cattle Branding?Two Amarna-Era Brands from the Eton College Myers Collection
All the King’s MenRoyal Butlers in the Turin Judicial Papyrus and the Tomb Robbery Papyri
A Heb Sed in Perpetuity?Tutankhamun as the Lunar Osiris
John Pendlebury and the “Coronation Hall” of Smenkhkare
The Titles of Paimosi in Theban Tomb A13 and the Context and Meaning of inw
The Royal Court under Tutankhamun on a Relief from a Memphite Tomb
The Gathering of the Brown-Eyed
An Enigmatic and Suggestive Amarna Talatat from Hermopolis
Howard Carter in Sweden
Neferneferuaten from theTomb of Tutankhamun Revisited
A Man’s Home Is His Castle?The Tell el-Amarna House
Renseneb’s Mask
Under Egypt’s SpellCartier during the Roaring Twenties
Tutankhamun in Nubia
Museum MysteriesWhose Spoon?
The Pharaoh in the AtticA New Royal Figure in Leiden
Mind the GapThe Identification of Bitumen in Black Funerary Ritual Substances Dating to the New Kingdom
Rescue Archaeology in CemeteriesA Case Study at Gurob
An Object of PraiseA Hes Vessel from the Tomb of Amenhotep II in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Notes on the Tomb of General Djehuty
Ditto and Likewise in the Valley of the Kings Absence Lists

June 19, 2023
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