Salvage Excavations at Tel Qashish (Tell Qasis) and Tell el-Wa’er (2010–2013)
This volume brings together the final reports of salvage excavations carried out in the vicinity of Tel Qashish in the northern Jezreel Valley, Israel, from 2010 to 2013. These include the Middle and Epipaleolithic flint workshops at Tel Qashish West and Tel Qashish South, the early Early Bronze Age I settlement at Tell el-Wa‘er, the late Early Bronze Age I features and the Late Bronze Age II cultic repository at Tel Qashish, as well as some early Roman remains. Twenty-nine chapters by twenty-five authors present the context, stratigraphy, finds, and analyses of these four major aspects of the excavations.
Front Matter
1. IntroductionThe History of the Project and Overview of the Sites
2. The Environs of Tel QashishPhysiography and Geomorphology
3. Middle Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic Flint Procurement and Associated Workshops West and South of Tel Qashish
4. Early Bronze Age I Settlement Remains at Tell El-Wa‘er
5. The Early Bronze Age Pottery Assemblage from Tell El-Wa‘er
6. Groundstone and Metal Tools from Tell El-Wa‘er
7. Lithic Artifacts from Tell El-Wa‘er
8. Faunal Remains from Tell El-Wa‘er
9. Salvage Excavations at Tell El-Wa‘erDiscussion and Conclusions
10. The Tel Qashish Late Early Bronze Age I Salvage ExcavationsIntroductory Notes
11. Tel Qashish Areas A–DStratigraphy and Structural Features (2010 Excavations)
12. Tel Qashish Areas F and E SouthStratigraphy and Structural Features (2010 Excavations)
13. Tel Qashish Area E NorthStratigraphy and Structural Features (2011 Excavations)
14. Pottery from Tel Qashish Areas A, B, C, and D
15. Pottery from Tel Qashish Areas E South and F
16. Pottery from Tel Qashish Area E North
17. Petrographic Analysis of the Early Bronze Age Pottery from Tel Qashish
18. A Cylinder Seal Impression from Tel Qashish Area E North
19. The Groundstone Assemblage from Tel Qashish
20. The Late Early Bronze Age I Flint Assemblages from Tel Qashish Areas A–F
21. Faunal Remains from the Margins of Tel Qashish, Area E
22. Microvertebrate Remains from the Margins of Tel Qashish, Area E South
23. Plant Remains from Late Early Bronze Age I Deposits from Tel Qashish Area E South
24. Salvage Excavations at Tel QashishDiscussion and Conclusions
25. A Late Bronze Age II Cultic Repository near Tel Qashish in the Jezreel Valley, Israel
26. Petrographic Study of Late Bronze Age II Vessels from the Cultic Repository near Tel Qashish
27. The Cypriot Pottery from the Late Bronze Age II Cultic Repository near Tel Qashish
28. Provenience of Late Bronze Age II Pottery from the Cultic Repository near Tel Qashish
29. Residue Analysis of Chalices from the LBA IIA Cultic Cache from Tel Qashish
Table 19.6. The Groundstone Assemblage from Tel Qashish.

February 13, 2023
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