Illuminating Osiris: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Mark Smith
Illuminating Osiris comprises twenty-seven articles by students, friends, and colleagues in honor of Mark Smith, professor of Egyptology at the University of Oxford. Smith is especially renowned as a Demoticist and specialist in ancient Egyptian religion. His numerous Demotic text editions and translations of Egyptian funerary and religious compositions have been enormously influential in the field. The contributions in Illuminating Osiris naturally reflect Smith's particular interests in the religion and literature of Graeco-Roman period Egypt, dealing with cult, rituals, astronomy, and divination, among other subjects. The book includes many editions or reeditions of texts written in Demotic, Hieratic, and Ptolemaic Hieroglyphs. It is profusely illustrated and supplied with detailed indices.
Table of Contents
1. Art-Making in Texts and Contexts
2. Titbits from TattersBodl. MS. Egypt. d. 19(P)
3. L’Agneau revisité ou la révélation d’un crime de guerre ignoré
4. A New Date for the “Amarna” Temple Plan in el-Sheikh Said Based on Some Newly Read Inscriptions
5. Une transcription en démotique de deux formules du Rituel des offrandes (O. dém. DelM 2-1)
6. On the “Immortality” of the God Seth
7. La stèle Caire JE 72300
8. Astronomische und astrologische Kleinigkeiten VIIDie Inschrift zu Tages- und Nachtlängen aus Tanis
9. Another Praise of the Goddess Ait (O. Sommerhausen 1)
10. Compound Nouns, Especially Abstracts, in Demotic
11. Grappling with the Notion of Evil in Ancient Egypt
12. Sunshine for the DeadOn the Role and Representation of Light in the Vignette of Book of the Dead Spell 154 and Other Funerary Sources from Pharaonic and Graeco-Roman Egypt
13. A Hieratic Tablet from TT 196 Reexamined
14. Hyperbole in Demotic Wisdom
15. Das Menu-LiedEine Anleitung zum Bierbrauen für Hathor in 18 Schritten
16. Of Choachytes and SaintsDemotic Documentary Texts as Sources for Religious Practices
17. A Third-Century Demotic Land Lease (P. BM EA 10858)
18. Offering the ij.t-Knife to Haroeris in the Temple of Isis at Shanhūr
19. Divining Grammar and Defining FoesLinguistic Patterns of Demotic Divinatory Handbooks (with Special Reference to P. Cairo CG 50138–41) and a Note on the Euphemistic Use of ḫft “Enemy”
20. Eine weise Stimme der Autorität (Papyrus Amherst Eg. XLIII.1 rt.)Mit Anhängen über Abrechnungen (Papyrus Amherst Eg. XLIII.1 vs. und XLIII.2)
21. Pantheistic Figures in Ancient Egypt
22. An Egyptian Narrative from Karanis (P. Mich. inv. 5641a)
23. Retrograde Writing in Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions
24. Thot und der Skarabäus (Papyrus Wien D 6318)
25. Grain for Seth and His Divine Companions in Dakhleh (Ostracon Mut 21/4)
26. A Priestly Letter of Recommendation (P. CtYBR inv. 4628)
27. Statue of Strategos Tryphon from Dendera (SEG LVIII 1823)