Beyond Hatti: A Tribute to Gary Beckman
This collection of essays honors the life and work of Gary Beckman, Professor of Hittite and Mesopotamian Studies at the University of Michigan. The essays were contributed by his colleagues, students, and friends, and their breadth—traversing ancient Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia, and beyond—are a measure of the range of his influence as a scholar. His interest in the reception and adaptation of Syro-Mesopotamian culture by the Hittites in particular inspired this offering.
Table of Contents
The West Hurrian Pantheon and Its Background
Adapting Mesopotamian Myth in Hurro-Hittite Rituals at HattušaIŠTAR, the Underworld, and the Legendary Kings
The R̥gvedic Ghoṣā Hymns and the Atirātra
The Place of KBo 13.145 in the Hantitaššu Text Tradition
A Diplomatic Marriage in the Ramesside PeriodMaathorneferure, Daughter of the Great Ruler of Hatti
Albert T. Clay and His Babylonian Collection
"The King's Speech"Royal Rhetorical Language
A Sanskrit Riddle in Three Movements Rig Veda V.84
Luvian Language in “Luvian” Rituals in Hattuša
The Steward of Divine Gudea and His Family in Ur III Girsu
Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402)une nouvelle édition
Accounting for Gold in a Period of Unrest
An Essay on Scribal Families, Tradition, and Innovation in Thirteenth-Century Ugarit
Prologues and PoetsOn the Opening Lines of the Gilgamesh Epic
The Social Matrix of Early Judean Magic and DivinationFrom "Top Down" or "Bottom Up"?
The Umma Field Ušgida and the Question of GARšana’s Location
The Divine Gudea on Ur III Seal Images
Dig Dogs and Camp Cats at KaranisThe Animals of the 1924-1935 University of Michigan Expedition to Egypt
Texts and Royal Seals of the Middle Hittite Period from the "House of the Chief of the Guards" at Hattuša
Index of Ancient Sources
March 1, 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Lockwood Press Online
Details about the available publication format: print edition
print edition