The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern Medical Commentaries
This volume contains the original hieratic text, complete transcription into hieroglyphs, transliteration, English translation, philological apparatus and copiously illustrated medical commentaries for the forty-eight clinical cases of the Edwin Smith Papyrus, as well as extensive bibliographical resources, and a lucid introduction exploring the importance of the document, the history of previous scholarship, and distinctive aspects of the current edition. It offers an authoritative treatment of the Egyptian text, which clarifies the meaning of many passages from the papyrus and points the way to their correct medical interpretation. The Edwin Smith Papyrus (ESP) is the first comprehensive trauma treatise in the history of medicine. Not only is the ESP the source of numerous anatomical and functional concepts of the nervous system, it is the basis for the development of modern objective clinical thinking, establishing the foundations of modern medicine more than a thousand years before Hippocrates. The volume features an impressive array of medical material that reveals the precise conditions described by the ancient physician and explores the Egyptian contribution to modern diagnostics, clinical practice, and methodology. This publication sets the standard in the presentation of ancient medical documents. It also includes the previously unpublished translation of the papyrus by Edwin Smith himself.
Table of Contents
General and Medical Introduction
Philological Introduction
Visual Index
1: Scalp Contusion Laceration Penetrating to the Bone (Plate I:2–12)
2: Scalp-Slicing Wound Penetrating to the Bone (Plate I:12–17)
3: Head Injury with Skull Perforation (Plate I:18–II:2)
4: Head Injury with Open, Displaced, Elevated Skull Fracture (Plate II:2–11)
5:Head Injury with Open, Comminuted, Depressed Skull Fracture (Plate II:11–17)
6: Head Injury with Open, Comminuted, Depressed Skull Fracture, and Dura Laceration (Plate II:17–III:1)
7: Frontal Cutting Wound with Compound Skull Fracture Penetrating the Frontal Air Sinus, Uncomplicated and Infected: Tetanus (Plate III:2–IV:4)
8: Closed Head Injuries with Comminuted Skull Fracture (Plate IV:5–18)
9: Wound in the Forehead, Fracturing the Outer Table of the Frontal Bone (Plate IV:19–V:5)
10: Eyebrow Laceration Penetrating to the Bone (Plate V:5–9)
11: Fracture of the Nasal Septum (Plate V:10–15)
12: Nasal Comminuted Depressed Fracture (Plate V:16–VI:3)
13: Closed Comminuted Nasal Fracture with Basilar Skull Fracture and Cerebral Contusion (PlateVI:3–7)
14: Perforating Wound to the Interior of the Nasal Walls (Plate VI:7–14)
15: Necrotic Maxillary Stab Wound (Plate VI:14–17)
16: Closed, Displaced Maxillary-Zygomatic Fracture (Plate VI:17–21)
17: Cranio-Facial Injury with Comminuted Maxillary-Zygomatic Fractures and Basilar Skull Fractures of the Anterior and Middle Fossae (Plate VII:1–7)
18: Temporo-Zygomatic Laceration (Plate VII:7–14)
19: Temporo-Zygomatic Intracranial Stab Wound (Plate VII:14–22)
20: Temporo-Zygomatic Stab Wound with Skull Perforation and Basilar Skull Fracture (Plate VII:22–VIII:5)
21: Closed Head Injury with Temporo-Zygomatic Displaced Fracture and Basilar Skull Fractures into the Mastoid Area with Hyperacusis (Plate VIII:6–9)
22: Closed Head Injury to the Temporo-Zygomatic Area with Comminuted Fracture and Basilar Skull Fractures (Plate VIII:9–17)
23: Slashing Wound of the Ear (Plate VIII:18–24)
24: Mandibular Fracture(s) (Plate VIII:24–IX:2)
25: Mandibular Dislocation (Plate IX:2–6)
26: Upper Lip Full- ickness Slash Wound (Plate IX:6–13)
27: Chin Full-Thickness Slash Wound (Plate IX:13–18)
28: Anterior Neck Wound with Esophageal-Tracheal Fistula (Plate IX:18–X:3)
29: Cervical Stab Wound, Perforating a Vertebra (Plate X:3–8)
30: Cervical Wrenching/Sprain with Disc Injury (Plate X:8–12)
31: Cervical Vertebral Dislocation with Spinal Cord and Head Injuries (Plate X:12–22)
32: Cervical Vertebral Compression Fracture (Plate XI:1–9)
33: Cervical Burst Fracture with Spinal Cord Injury and Brain Contusion (Plate XI:9–17)
34: Sterno-Clavicular Dislocation (Bilateral?) (Plate XI:17–XII:2)
35: Clavicular Fractures (Plate XII:2–8)
36: Linear Fracture of the Humerus (Plate XII:8–14)
37: Compound Fracture(s) of the Humerus (Plate XII:14–21)
38: Closed Displaced Fracture of the Humerus (Plate XII:21–XIII:2)
39: Infected Chest Wound with Abscesses (Plate XIII:3–12)
40: Chest Wound Perforating the Manubrium of the Sternum (Plate XIII:12–17)
41: Infection of a Wound of the Chest (Plate XIII:18–XIV:16)
42: Traumatic Costochondritis (Plate XIV:16–22)
43: Sternocostal-Costochondral Dislocation (Plate XIV:22–XV:6)
44: Open Comminuted Rib Fractures (Plate XV:6–9)
45: Round “Masses” on the Chest (Plate XV:9–19)
46: Possible Keratinous/Epidermoid Cyst of the Chest (Plate XV:20–XVI:16)
47: A Slash Wound in the Armpit (Plate XVI 26–XVII 15)
48: Wrenching/Sprain in the Vertebral Column in the (Lower) Back/Disc Injury (Plate XVII:15–19)
Appendices 1–4
Appendix 5: Edwin Smith's Handwritten Manuscript
Works Cited (included with each chapter)