Concluding the Neolithic: The Near East in the Second Half of the Seventh Millennium BC
Neolithic, 8.2 cal cold eventSynopsis
The second half of the seventh millennium BC saw the demise of the previously affluent and dynamic Neolithic way of life. The period is marked by significant social and economic transformations of local communities, as manifested in a new spatial organization, patterns of architecture, burial practices, and in chipped stone and pottery manufacture. This volume has three foci. The first concerns the character of these changes in different parts of the Near East with a view to placing them in a broader comparative perspective. The second concerns the social and ideological changes that took place at the end of Neolithic and the beginning of the Chalcolithic that help to explain the disintegration of constitutive principles binding the large centers, the emergence of a new social system, as well as the consequences of this process for the development of full-fledged farming communities in the region and beyond. The third concerns changes in lifeways: subsistence strategies, exploitation of the environment, and, in particular, modes of procurement, consumption, and distribution of different resources.
Table of Contents
The "8200 Cal BP Cold Event" in the Levant
Tumultuous Times in the Eighth and Seventh Millennia BC in the Southern Levant
The Nature of the BeastThe Late Neolithic in the Southern Levant
Çatalhöyü and Sha'ar HagolanA Tale of Two Cities
Transforming the Upper Mesopotamian Landscape in the Late Neolithic
A History of the House at Late Neolithic Çatalhöyü
The Transition between the East and West Mounds at Çatalhöyük around 6000 cal BCA View from the West
Exploring the Culture Landscape of Neolithic Hacılar (6500-6100 BC), Southwestern Turkey
Changing Ideologies in Community-Making through the Neolithic Period at Ulucak
Adaptation as a Constante in Early Farming Village EconomyAn Eight-Thousand-Year-Old Case
An Entanglement Approach to the Neolithic of the Aegean Islands
Early Farmers in Northwestern Anatolia in the Seventh Millennium
Barcın Höyük in Interregional Perspective: An Initial Assessment
Early Farmers in Northwestern TurkeyWhat Is New?